Discover BHS > Cycle One Program

Enriched Program with Défi Français.  This program will be taught as follows:

Courses Taught in English

  • Mathematics
  • English Language Arts
  • Arts Options
  • Physical Education

Courses Taught in French

  • Français - Langue maternelle
  • Géographie
  • Histoire
  • Science et Technologie
  • Éthiques


Enriched Program.  This program will be offered in two sections, one of which Science will be taught in French.

Courses Taught in English

  • Mathematics
  • English Language Arts
  • Science & Technology
  • Ethics
  • Art Option
  • Physical Education

Courses Taught in French

  • Français
  • Géographie
  • Histoire
  • Science et Technologie (one section)



French Immersion Program.  This program is taught as follows:

Courses Taught in English

  • Mathematics
  • English Language Arts
  • Science
  • Ethics
  • Arts Options
  • Physical Education

Courses Taught in French

  • Français
  • Géographie
  • Histoire



Regular English Program. This program is taught as follows:


  • Français
  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Geography
  • History
  • Science
  • Ethics
  • Arts Options
  • Physical Education