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Beaconsfield student wins Encounters with Canada / LEARN contest
Congratulations to Annika Singh of Beaconsfield High School, one of 12 provincial winners in the 2017/18 Encounters with Canada / LEARN “Inspirations: Compassion in Action” contest. Students submitted entries about inspiring individuals or groups who, through their compassion and leadership, have made a difference in their lives or in the community. Annika wrote about her older sister, Pamela, whose great leadership qualities, constant support and contributions to people around her make her a “Wonder Woman”. Her winning essay will soon be posted on the LEARN web site at
Compliments of LEARN, Annika has received a fully paid week of her choice in Ottawa at Encounters with Canada, the country’s largest youth forum. She will take part in exciting workshops and outings with students from across the country, will develop citizenship and leadership skills, and will explore career options. (For more information, go to
Please click here for Annika's winning entry.
Annika Singh
Annika-Singh with representatives from EWC & LEARN