Students > Student Service Professionals
Please note that all students under the age of 14 must have PARENTAL consent to access services from a Student Service Professional.
All services are offered confidentially.
Stephanie Miller, Guidance Counsellor, c.o

Ms Miller offers both personal and career counselling to students. She also consults with parents and helps with referrals and outreach initiatives. (Also see description under Guidance Portion of BHS Website)
5 days a week at BHS
Office: C106C
Email: or
Warren Copeland, School Psychologist

Warren Copeland (Mr. Warren) is the school psychologist for Beaconsfield High School. He is part of the BHS Resource team and helps students by providing individual counselling for a wide variety of issues such as anxiety, depression, anger management and other mental health concerns. He also conducts learning assessments to help those with academic struggles. Mr. Warren works at BHS on Mondays and Tuesdays and can be found in room C106D in the Guidance area. He may also be reached by email:
Looking forward to meeting you!
Joseph Dintino, School Psychologist Intern

Joseph D’Intino (Mr. Joseph) is a school psychology intern working under the supervision of Warren Copeland (school psychologist). He is part of the resource team and can help with learning assessments, counselling, and student wellness initiatives.
Office is in the C wing next to the nurse’s station and will be available on Tuesdays
To contact him or to set an appointment, please email
Jill Sockett, School Nurse

Ms Sockett offering individual consultations for health issues. Whether your concern is physical health (eg. new or worsening medical problem), emotional health (eg. stress, anxiety, sadness), sexual health (eg. condoms, birth control, morning after pills, pregnancy testing, sexually transmitted infection testing), please do not be shy to reach out.
I am normally at BHS on Tuesdays & Wednesdays. Given the pandemic, I may be out of the office more than usual doing catch up vaccinations and/or COVID case management at other schools. You can always send me a quick e-mail at or leave a message on my voice mail at 514-697-4110 (1347); both are confidential. Be sure to let me know what is the best way to reach you. If the matter is more urgent, please see Stephanie Miller and she will help you figure things out and/or find me as necessary.
**For students 14 and over, the consultation is confidential.
Allison McLerran, CLSC Social Worker (Youth in Difficulty Team)
Services Offered with CLSC referral*:
Family Dynamics: Family relationships, Parent separation/conflict, parental support
Mental Health: Depression, anxiety, stress
Self-Development: Self-esteem, sexual identification/orientation, addictions, anger-management
Social Development: Social-skills, peer pressure, bullying/cyber-intimidation, discrimination
Office is located in C104 (middle office)
Available in person every Wednesday 8:30am-4:30pm
Contact information (M-F):
When leaving a message or email please indicate the best time to reach you and preferred mode of communication (in person/phone/email).
*If interested in services make an appointment or drop by my office. The referral process will be explained and discussed at the first meeting.
**Services are confidential for those 14 years and older.