
Beaconsfield High School’s volunteer program has finally resurfaced after COVID and will continue until May 2024.

Students are encouraged to connect with their community and give back. There are volunteer opportunities posted outside the community office (C103).

The  form that students need to fill out and have signed by the event’s supervisor are also on this board  or you can download the form here.

All of your hours that you give during or after school for groups like Bison News, Open House, EDDI, Student Life, SGA, Green Team, setting up for events, etc … count towards your hours required during the 2023-2024 school year. Even the hours you already put in during the month of September, such as the Terry Fox, run count as well.

Grade 7 and 8 will are encouraged to volunteer 20 hours during the 2023-2024 school year and grade 9,10 and 11 students for 30 hours.

Forms can be submitted to Ms. Pat in room C103 and she will track the students’ hours.

Here are the top 10 reasons why volunteering is good for students:


#10: It’s good for you.

Volunteering provides physical and mental rewards. It:

  • Reduces stress: Experts report that when you focus on someone other than yourself, it interrupts usual tension-producing patterns.
  • Makes you healthier: Moods and emotions, like optimism, joy, and control over one’s fate, strengthen the immune system.


#9: It saves resources.

Volunteering provides valuable community services so more money can be spent on local improvements.


#8: Volunteers gain professional experience.

  • It can lead to future career opportunities and enhance your cv


#7: It brings people together.

As a volunteer you assist in:

  • Uniting people from diverse backgrounds to work toward a common goal
  • Building camaraderie and teamwork


#6: It promotes personal growth and self-esteem.

Understanding community needs helps foster empathy and self-efficacy.

#5: Volunteering strengthens your community and your school

As a volunteer you help:

  • Support families in need
  • Improve school spirit by getting involved in planning events and activities
  • Beautify the community (park cleanups, building and caring for gardens )


#4: You learn a lot.

Volunteers learn things like these:

  • Self: Volunteers discover hidden talents that may change your view on your self-worth.
  • Community: Volunteers gain knowledge of local resources available to solve community needs.


#3: You get a chance to give back.

Giving back makes you feel good and increases your self esteem.

#2: Volunteering encourages civic responsibility.

Community service and volunteerism are an investment in our community and the people who live in it.

#1: You make a difference.

Every person counts!