Discover BHS > Enriched Programs

To qualify for admission to the Enriched Program at BHS in Secondary One, students must write the Lester B. Pearson School Board Enrichment Exam and receive high enough marks to allow them a place in the program. Students must maintain a minimum of 80% in their academic subjects as well as teachers’ recommendations in order to continue in the program. 

  • For placement in Secondary 4
    • Math T&S and Science Math - Prerequisite : 80% minimum mark (in each competency) in Secondary 3 Math
    • Advanced Science - Prerequisites: 80% minimum mark (in each competency) in Secondary 3 Science and student must be placed in T&S or Science Math in Secondary 3
    • English Enriched - Prerequisite: 80% minimum mark (in each competency) in Secondary 3 English
    • Histoire - Prerequisite: 80% minimum mark (in each competency) in Secondary 3 Histoire
    • French Enriched - Prerequisite: 80% minimum mark (in each competency) in Secondary 3 French


  • For placement in Secondary 5: 
    • Math T&S and Science Math - Prerequisite: 80% minimum mark (in each competency) in Secondary 4 T&S or Science Math
    • Physics and Chemistry - Prerequisite: 80% minimum mark (in each competency) in Secondary 4 Advanced Science
    • French Enriched - Prerequisite: 80% minimum mark (in each competency) in Secondary 4 French 


  • Teacher recommendation